get_post_ancestors( int|WP_Post $post )

检索帖子的祖先的 ID,即找到页面最顶级的页面。


$post(int|WP_Post) (Required) Post ID or post object.


(int[]) Array of ancestor IDs or empty array if there are none.


找到最顶层父页面的 ID,如果你的页面结构有多层级,下面的代码可以找到某个页面最顶层的父页面 ID:

<?php  if ($post->post_parent)	{  	$ancestors	= get_post_ancestors($post->ID);  	$root		= count($ancestors)-1;  	$parent		= $ancestors[$root];  } else {  	$parent		= $post->ID;  }  ?>


<?php  global $post;  $parents = get_post_ancestors( $post );  $id = $post->ID;  /* Get the ID of the 'top most' Page */  if ( ! empty( $parents ) ) {      $id = array_pop( $parents );  }  if ( has_post_thumbnail( $id ) ) {      echo get_the_post_thumbnail( $id, 'thumbnail' );  }  ?>

获取祖先页面 Slug

此示例返回树中最高的页面 {slug} 并将其用作 Body_Class,因此父级和所有子级将具有相同的 Body Class!

此示例为 header.php 文件中的 twentyeleven 个子主题

<?php  /* Get the Page Slug to Use as a Body Class, this will only return a value on pages! */  $class = '';  /* is it a page */  if( is_page() ) {       global $post;      /* Get an array of Ancestors and Parents if they exist */      $parents = get_post_ancestors( $post->ID );      /* Get the top Level page->ID count base 1, array base 0 so -1 */      $id = ($parents) ? $parents[count($parents)-1]: $post->ID;      /* Get the parent and set the $class with the page slug (post_name) */      $parent = get_post( $id );      $class = $parent->post_name;  }  ?>     <body <?php body_class( $class ); ?>>